From our partners

Rural development

If Ethiopia is to attain the status of a Medium Income Country by 2025, it will need considerable improvements in basic services. But only knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of citizens as community councillors…



Without water, there can be no life. However, in 2024, 2.2 billion people live without clean drinking water and 3.5 billion people without safe sanitation. The Swiss Development Cooperation is therefore making a special…


Cocoa production

To ensure that farmers do not lose access to the EU as an export destination for their cocoa, GIZ’s global Fund for the Promotion of Innovation in Agriculture (i4Ag) develops the digital innovation “Open Cocoa Chain”…


Since 2015, global progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, which aims to eradicate world hunger under the banner “zero hunger”, has fallen behind schedule. Addressing global hunger and…



The global programme on Strengthening Farmers’ Organisations for Sustainable Agricultural Development of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports farmers’ organisations in Ethiopia,…



Brazil and Germany are consolidating their cooperation aimed at protecting the Amazon Rainforest and the reforestation of degraded areas. This was announced by German Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze and…



In their half-term review of the “Traffic Light Coalition”, Germany’s Social Democrat/Green/Free Democrat government, a broad spectrum of organisations and associations take a look at the Federal Government’s…



The Sahel Alliance, which unites the main development supporters of the Sahel region, reached agreement at its General Assembly meeting in Berlin/Germany in mid-July that new initiatives should be launched to enable…


Value chains

Cocoa farming is maintained world-wide by smallholders. In order to stem the environmental impact of deforestation through agriculture and livestock farming, the European Union has adopted a Regulation on…


Food security

Prior to the 2024 Policies against Hunger Conference (PaH), having taken place on the 4th–5th June, members and affiliates of Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Germany’s NGO forum on environment and development, had…
