Food systems

Food systems in Africa need to be developed in a way that is climate resilient and ecologically sustainable in the long term. The continent must move away from the current “business as usual” trajectory. This report…



Agriculture is one of the sectors with the highest adaptation finance needs for implementing the Nationally Determined Contributions (or national climate plans), but climate finance for adaptation is on a downward trend.


China has abandoned its traditional foreign policy restraint and is playing an active role in shaping the global order of the 21st century. This analysis shines a spotlight on these changes, concentrating explicitly on…


Poverty reduction

This new report sheds light on inequality and global corporate power. A more equal world is possible if governments effectively regulate and reimagine the private sector, it states.



This report aims to enable the livestock sector to contribute its share to the efforts to limit the global temperature increase to well below two degrees Celsius.


Climate change

A report released in late 2023 by the international aid agency World Vision reveals the opinions of people living in affected regions on the links between climate change, conflict, hunger and displacement.



To combat the negative effects of drought, global drought resilience is not a matter of choice but a necessity, this report says.


Climate change

This report highlights the central role of agrifood systems in the loss and damage debate and identifies the gaps in data, knowledge and finance that need to be addressed.


Climate change

Nations must go further than current Paris pledges, this report warns. There is an urgent need to step up climate action.



Water, the world's most precious yet undervalued resource, lies at the heart of a mounting global crisis that threatens both human and planetary health, this report warns.
