

Child labour is increasing for the first time in two decades. Even worse, the International Labour Organization and UNICEF warn that 9 million additional children are at risk as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.



Healthy ecosystems form the foundation for efforts to improve people’s livelihoods, counter climate change, and halt the collapse of biodiversity. The UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration aims to build a strong,…



Participants from 186 countries joined a Global Landscapes Forum virtual event on restoring Africa’s drylands early in June. A wide range of topics were discussed in 47 sessions during the two-day meeting.


Plant breeding

Rising global temperatures are one of the main factors in declining yields. The agricultural sector must adapt to climate change in order to secure food in future. The use of modified varieties can make a major…


Climate change

A new study takes a look at the climatic conditions where food is grown today and how climate change will affect these areas in coming decades. If greenhouse gases continue growing at current rates, large regions are at…


One Health

International organisations have launched a new One Health High-Level Expert Panel to improve understanding of how diseases with the potential to trigger pandemics, emerge and spread.


Development policy

The need for humanitarian aid and development cooperation will continue to rise in coming years, according to terre des hommes and Welthungerhilfe. Special attention must focus on the people in the poorest countries.



The majority of farms worldwide are small farms. New FAO research sheds a light on these farms and their contribution to world food supply.



Losing an abundant and diverse fauna weakens fundamental pillars of sustainable global development. Researchers urge for more attention to defaunation in interdisciplinary research, forest policy and conservation.


At the High Level Dialogue on Feeding Africa 2021 the participants addressed rising hunger on the continent and shored up adequate financing to transform and modernise Africa’s food production.


Value chains

In recent decades, a growing number of voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) have been established to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. But to what extent do certification schemes help build farmers’…


Climate change

Researchers looking at the specific effects climate change has on Ethiopia have found that areas suitable for producing high quality specialty coffee are likely to shrink. This could have dramatic impacts for farmers…


Organic farming

Organic farming and gene editing could complement each other very well and contribute to more local and global sustainability, according to a new study that takes a look at Europe’s Farm to Fork Strategy and its…


Food security

The world has been facing rising food prices for months. In West and Central Africa extreme upsurges in food prices, partly caused by measures to contain the spread of coronavirus, are leading to food insecurity and…


Climate change

Floods, which are influenced by climate change, are a major driver of displacement. A new study helps to understand how the risks are changing and evaluates future displacement risks due to flooding from rivers…
