
Development policy

The UN “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” will celebrate their tenth anniversary in 2021. At the start of June 2020, a group of five experts launched global consultations on the binding implementation of…


Food security

The devastating socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic push millions more people into food insecurity in low- and middle-income countries.


Ilhan's family now lives from growing fruit and vegetables. Weather extremes left the former shepherd family in the Awdal region of northwest Somaliland no choice but to settle down.<br />© Wuchenauer/Welthungerhilfe
Food security

In many countries where climate change or armed conflicts threaten people’s livelihoods, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are making a bad situation worse. At the Berlin launch of its Annual Report in early July,…


New measures aim to improve FAO's efficiency and effectiveness "while avoiding silos and establishing transparency and accountability at the optimal levels," according to FAO Director-General QU Dongyu.


Plant protection

A new product called Green Muscle™, based on a specific isolate of the fungus Metarhizium acridum, stops locusts in their tracks.


Food security

Agricultural commodity markets are more resilient to the pandemic than many other sectors, according to FAO. Nevertheless, the significant decline in economic growth due to the pandemic has translated into an issue of…



Every day, the human rights of thousands of girls are violated throughout the world – with the families and the environment they are living in often being fully aware of this. As a partner of the UN Population Fund, the…



100 million people at least were forced to flee their homes in the past decade, seeking refugee either in or outside their countries. That means more people fleeing than the entire population of Egypt, the world’s 14th…



Representatives of the CGIAR global research partnership, Germany’s development ministry and the private sector discussed the future of agricultural research in a recent virtual meeting.


Food systems

The Food Systems Dashboard aims to enable stakeholders to compare their food systems with those of other countries, and will provide guidance on potential priority actions to improve food systems' impacts on diets and…



COVID-19 continues to spread in Africa since the virus was first detected on the continent in mid-February 2020, WHO warns. Just ten countries currently account for nearly 80 per cent of all the cases.


Food security

The socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean could push an additional 10 million people into poverty and hunger in 11 countries in the region, WFP says.



The WHO urges caution as countries in Africa ease lockdowns and emphasises that countries should follow a step by step approach. As more countries begin to ease confinement measures, it is vital that effective testing…



Global carbon emissions in early April were probably one-sixth lower than before the pandemic, according to estimates by an international research team. Nevertheless, the climate crisis is in no way defused by the corona…


Palm oil production causes ecological problems. However, banning it would not be a sustainable solution, according to researchers, as this could have adverse economic and social effects in the producer countries. The…
