Participants at the Hamburg Sustainability conference in October.
Photo: © Thomas Trutschel/HSC/

Germany to join the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty

At the First Hamburg Sustainability Conference the German Government announced its joining the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, initiated by the Brazilian G20 presidency this year. Germany will contribute two key policy approaches to the Alliance, both domestically and in international partnership.

Germany is joining the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, an initiative by Brazil’s G20 presidency. The German government announced this commitment to Brazil at the Hamburg Sustainability Conference, held in Germany in October 2024.

Through this step, the country will contribute two key policy approaches to the Alliance, both at domestic level and in partnership with other countries: promoting sustainable agriculture and strengthening social safety nets, such as minimum wage policies. Additionally, Germany is putting the tools developed under the Global Alliance for Food Security, launched by Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze in 2022, at the service of the new Brazilian Alliance.

Created in collaboration with the World Bank, the new tools include national preparedness plans for food and nutrition security in 25 countries and a global coordination data dashboard that provides real-time information on the global food situation.

Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals – with regard to fighting hunger and poverty

Germany’s statement acknowledges the alarming growth in the number of people facing food insecurity and poverty in recent years, noting that, notwithstanding significant past and current efforts, the world is not on track to meet SDG 1 and 2 targets, inequality is also on the rise (SDG 10), and significant increased collective ambition, as well as improved collective alignment and coordination for the fight against hunger and poverty, is urgently needed.

Against this background Germany commits to focusing on the following programmes, and other activities in the field of international cooperation in support of the Global Alliance’s objectives: 

  • Universal social protection, which includes offering advice on specific programmes including social assistance, social insurance instruments and how to integrate them into a national social protection system, and strengthening local administrative structures. 
  • The “Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Programme” to strengthen in particular the resilience of vulnerable people to shocks and stresses and to lever the potential of social protection for inclusive climate action, also through an international task force on linking social protection and climate financing with key partners. 
  • The “Multistakeholder Engagement to implement the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions and the World Bank Social Protection Compass” (M-GA), in the context of which, through strong international alliances for social protection to tackle poverty and hunger, Germany offers further actions in support of the Alliance’s objectives, aligned with the goals of the UN’s Global Accelerator.
  • The Special Initiative “Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems”, in which Germany works with partner countries particularly badly affected by hunger and malnutrition, comprises about 300 projects, and focuses on fostering smallholder farming in Africa. 
  • Germany and the African Union have set up an “Agricultural Policy Dialogue” to strengthen resilience of agri-food systems and contribute to the objectives of Agenda 2063.
  • In this context Germany is committed to aligning global agendas for agricultural and food systems transformation with regional, national, and local initiatives, connecting implementation efforts with political decision-making, and promoting South-South dialogue. Germany is actively driving this process forward through the creation of the” “Partners for Change Network”.

The Federal Government’s statement points out Germany’s substantial contributions in the field of research and knowledge dissemination, including its financial support of the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and the Global Food and Nutrition Security Dashboard.


Read the full text of the Statement “Statement of Commitment to the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty"
File type PDF | File size 214 KB, Pages 8 Pages

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